Tweets for July 1st to July 15th
- "Quotes are free, friendly, helpful, and sometimes we have cookies" (from a business card). Shouldn't all businesses be like that?
- Welcome to Missouri, where the outfit you wore for the blistering hot morning weather is utterly wrong for the stormy rainy afternoon.
- Tuesday back to work / Feels like a Monday morning / Is it Friday yet? / #TuesdaysAreForHaiku
- If there's a graceful way to eat fresh cherries, I haven't found it yet.
- Bought a pink dress and spent serious time in the makeup store, may be turning into a GIRL!
- Kenpo karate, the ultimate make-up stress test.
- Focaccia bread in the "rising room" (aka the toasty warm garage) for an hour, will be cooked on the grill later. Bread experiments FTW!
- Wearing a cute, shortish, green dress in work, enjoying the shock value.
- Heat shimmers outside / No clouds, only blazing sun / Shade is no respite. #TuesdaysAreForHaiku
- Don't you just hate it when you change your blog theme, which frags the entire blog, and you have to dink around in the database to fix it?