FO: Tell-Tale Heart
This was made for a Ravelry Swap with the theme "Ewe Creep Me Out". Edgar Allen Poe wrote The Tell-Tale Heart, which was the first Poe I read and it stayed with me. The story was published in 1843 and is classic Gothic fiction. If you haven't read it, go read it now.

Pattern: Heart from Knitty
Yarn: Lang Yarns Tosca Light
Needles: US1.5 (2.5mm) dpns and circular
Duration: 13th February to 25th February
"Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! here, here! --It is the beating of his hideous heart!"
I could have stuffed the heart with a battery, motion sensor, and a recording of a heartbeat, but that's beyond my electronics skills in the time allotted and also fairly evil given the Poe story (not that I couldn't do it, and not that I'm not evil, I'm just not that evil on short notice).

The pattern is fairly simple. I was flummoxed by the "CO at the start of the row" instructions for a bit and had to consult the interweb for the technique: you do a cable or knitted cast on assuming the first stitch is your slipknot. Gave myself a knitting injury with the double point needles poking through the skin of my index finger and I switched to a more blunt circular after that.
It caused unintended hilarity at knitgroup with the instruction to "continue until eight inches long" for the second valve. Getting that thing to eight inches took forever. When it was finished, I stuffed the ends of the valves with some sample fibre sent by Corgi Hill Farm with my last order, the colours were perfect.