Chocolate and vanilla
I'm spinning about two feet of Jacob each session (one of each colour) and this stuff is fun! It's going to be self-striping three-ply yarn, hopefully around sport weight. The roving smells a little sheepy and it's very easy to spin, I love the way it was bundled up in a ball with brown and white side by side. I'm looking forward to the plying part for once because the colours will stay distinct.

I have a handspun silk cloth for cleaning my glasses that I love (and silk cleans glasses very well), but I haven't touched the rest of my handspun. There are five good skeins I could use but if I knit with them, does that make it just yarn? Rox is making mittens from some of my handspun merino, which I can't wait to see. (Maybe in May? :-D ) It's always a pleasant surprise when the yarn turns out halfway OK. I'm getting better, especially in the plying.

Quantum nearly put her face into the moving flyer to get to the roving. I have visions of a cat sticking its head through the hole in my Louet wheel and getting decapitated when I start spinning. I know it would be Tangle, the little 'fraidy cat. Every time I spin, I check that hole...
(Also, spinning wheel oil is great for creaky door hinges.)