FO: Pumpkin hat
For some light relief from the shawl, I made a pumpkin. This project has been waiting around for a couple of years. The yarn is soft but splits easily and it makes for a nice weathered pumpkin look. I made the smallest size which used less than one ball of each colour.

Yarn: Plymouth Sunsette (discontinued)
Pattern: Fiber Trends Pumpkin hat
Duration: 29th July to 11th August.
Started chart 2 on my Seraphim shawl and the pattern is emerging. Got a tip from the Clayton SnB about lifelines: dental floss. It shows up well against the dark green and makes the shawl smell a little minty. My lifeline went in after row 14 of the second chart and it feels like a warm fluffy security blanket. No matter what happens, I can always rip back to this row.
I don't think this is what the dentist had in mind when he told me to floss daily...