FO: Hot Pink Butternut
Picked up a skein of shocking pink lace weight yarn in the Weaving Department a while ago and it seemed perfect for Butternut. You're supposed to do 15 repeats, I stopped at 19.5 thanks to a very late knee doctor, and that was three repeats past the point of "if this scarf doesn't end soon I'll have to chew my own arm off."

Pattern: Butternut from knitspot (Ravelry link)
Yarn: Malabrigo Lace in Molly 39
Needles: US3 Blackthorn dpns
Duration: April 25th to June 4th
Ravelry project: Hot Pink Butternut
The yarn looks and feels very fragile to me, with serious variation in thickness. One section plumped all the way up to bulky weight, which did not endear me, other sections were cobweb weight. It snaps easily when you pull it by hand and some people on Ravelry say it will pill with wear. I like the subtle colour variation. Pink is not normally my colour, especially this pink, but it works when it's all grey and damp outside.
The pattern is easy to read once you get a few rows in and easy to pick up where you left off. It looks more complicated than it is, I've got a lot of compliments on the scarf-in-progress. Butternut is my second knitspot pattern and both have been good to work from.
Decided to block this with pins, the edges look better wavy rather than straight and I didn't trust the yarn to hold up to having wires shoved through it, however delicately the shoving occurred.
(ETA: changed the photo to a post-blocking shot.)