Crafting explosion
After a month of virtually no crafting, it seems to be Big Projects month. I finished a Little Waffles shawl/scarf with some handspun Organic Polwarth from Corgi Hill Farm. I'd spun a 3-ply sportweight and got 328yds that just kept on going. It got big when I blocked it.

Next project on the spinning wheel is 10oz of blue-purple Rambouillet, dyed by Corgi Hill Farm. My plan is to spin six bobbins, then ply up two 3-ply skeins that are hopefully even. Most of the way through the first bobbin and aiming for sportweight.
You'd think that a project described as "epic" and "a bit brutal" would put me off, but no. Hello Amortentia and your 603st beaded cast-on, got got past the ruffles and into the short rows so far and it wasn't that painful. Who starts a ruffled shawl at the ruffle end and adds beads?
To take the edge off the mammoth cast-on, I have a sock project in progress, my Squishville Socks pattern for a friend.

There's also a Byzantine bracelet in blue niobium I've been working on, it'll be a double-wrap when it's done and I'm two inches past the first full wrap. Niobium is heavier and a little stiffer than aluminium, the dark blue looks good.