Round the Bend
Started my Eris cardigan last week, I haven't started a sweater-sized project since the Eternal Sweater for Hubby in 1994. Short rows with cabling is an interesting experience! You knit two sides of a U shaped yoke (with a torturous pick up in the middle) then pick up stitches along the outside edge for the body. And then do some more short rows mixed with raglan increases. I can blissfully discard the charts when I'm done, there's no "second sock" to do.

I'm partway through the left side of the yoke and the centre pick up part is barely visible. The pattern so far is very clear, there are three pages of symbols and forty pages for both pullover and cardigan. I thought the yoke would be the worst part but the instructions for what happens next are daunting, including several instances of the word "graft". It makes me nervous because gauge is important for this pattern and my knitting tension is somewhere between violin strings and those steel cables you use for prestressed concrete.
The yarn colour is Sparrow (4011) but I don't know of any greenish heathered sparrows out there in Britain or America. It's almost the same colour as Hubby's car, and a fleece jacket I got a few years back. Hubby is urging me to make Rogue next...
I have a dilemma: Knitting morning (second Saturday of the month 10-12pm) moved to Knitty Couture on the Loop while Brentwood Borders was closed. Borders has risen from its watery grave and is open again. Do we move knitting morning back there (taking advantage of the coffee and cookies, and opportunities to freak out the Muggles), or stay in the yarn store (which opens at 11am, not 10am, but it's a yarn store)? I'm polling the ladies involved but what would you do?