Doodle revolution

The second half of the Doodle Revolution book is about the Infodoodle, and it's a lot more text-heavy. The Infodoodle sounds a lot like a sketchnote, it's a tool for remembering and summarising a large amount of verbal or written information into an easy-to-recall image and text display.

This part of the book has infrequent exercises in, it's about group Infodoodles. Since I don't lead many meetings, there's not too much here I'll immediately use. I like the descriptions of ways you can use a doodle in meetings, and I'll see if I can use them at work. We do have a lot of walls you can write on.

The next books in my drawing discovery are going to be Mike Rohdes The Sketchnote Handbook and Henning Nelms Thinking With a Pencil. I'm also going to try a few Zentangles, and design an alien.

Designing an alien

I've been drawing the same cartoon hedgehog since high school, it's time there was a companion doodle. I'm calling this guy Boris, and he's a work in progress.

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